HORIZON is for everyone in the organization to use, not just a few specialists. What people need to know is how risks are affecting them and their priorities. Long lists of risks mean nothing until they are put into the proper context of the organization. That means relating risks to real organizational activity such as capital projects, manufacturing processes or the management of suppliers. How are these things being affected by risk?
Is my project in trouble?
HORIZON doesn't focus on just one view of risk and compliance. It has been designed to handle anything an organization needs to keep track of and present a comprehensive overview. This is vital if you are going to make the right calls on priorities, resources and investment.
I need the big picture!
HORIZON is about getting a real view of Risk. That means risk assessments that reflect the lessons of Incident investigations, Audit recommendations and Action follow ups across your whole organization. Alignment of these core compliance processes is vital to validate the risk register and provide assurance of its real value to decision makers.
Is this risk register for real?

Compliance and regulatory requirements keep increasing and getting more complex. More than ever, organizations need comprehensive but common sense solutions that give them a view of their risks across the whole enterprise. HORIZON was developed to meet those goals.
This short video will give you a flavour of how we see the challenges of risk and compliance management today.
A focus on what really matters...
Integration of multiple perspectives...
Connecting theory with operational reality...

It's not enough to list a load of risks and look at them every few months for a quick update. Your stakeholders want to know how they are being impacted today - and whether the situation is getting better or worse. HORIZON integrates your key compliance registers with all the dimensions of your organization.
How are project objectives being impacted or key processes? Major assets or products? Global markets or your partner organizations? Use HORIZON to get a single overview of where action is needed...
Making a difference
How it all fits together...

* not available in BETA

Using a Heat Map or Tabular Summary, see the risk status of your organizational dimensions at a glance. Which project objectives are at risk or need closer monitoring? This information is being updated in real-time using the risk assessments being recorded on the integrated risk register. From here, drill through to the individual register records to get more detail or add futher information as required.

The Event Log consolidates all key activity from across the product into one area for your review. Keep up to date with new actions or changes to risks that you may be responsible for. Drill straight through to the relevant records from here to add or maintain information as required.

The 'My Involvements' section allows you to access all records across the product that you are associated with for example, actions that you have been assigned or risks that you are responsible for assessing. From here, drill through directly to the individual registers and records
Here is your one-stop shop for risk management across your organization. See the risk status of multiple organization dimensions, access any record that is relevant for your attention and keep track of your most important KPIs.

My Risk Summary
View the risks you are responsible for and see their impacts on different dimensions across the organization. A six month trend of the dimension's risk status is displayed and all underlying register records can be accessed directly by hyperlinks.
Dimension Summaries
For any dimension across the organization, view the risks associated and a six month trend of the risk status. Access all underlying records with a click of the mouse.

Model and maintain multiple dimensions of your organization; Projects; Processes; Sites; Markets; Roles; Assets; Products; and Partners. Build a picture as simple or as complex as you need. Give your stakeholders an understanding of how risks impact their areas of responsibility. Build a real picture of risk for everyone, not just a few specialists.
Multi-level trees
Tabular registers

These are the fundamental building blocks of the HORIZON solution. For your risks, record all assessments, controls, reviews and associated actions. Link risks to multiple organizational dimensions and identify ownership and accountability for actions. In the Action Register, track all actions raised across the product in one place. Assign responsibilities for action, approval and support with email notifications when actions are overdue or need escalation.
All registers allow you to choose the columns you want to display and save favourite searches for rapid access at any time. Export register contents at any time for offline analysis or distribution.